Military Research and Doing what is Right....

It is 5:30 am and I am on my way back from another business trip. This time I was in Phoenix, AZ attending the 13th Annual Force Health Protection Conference. What an amazing conference. Is in this forum that all research that has been conducted in military settings and/or conducted with military population is exposed to the scientific community. One thing is certain and it is that if it is not because of men and women in uniform and their willingness to contribute with the research community, this conference would not even exist. So to those who not only sacrifice for their country and our FREEDOM but that also run the extra mile and let us get into their lives and study all type of different issues, we Salute you and we are deeply grateful for your collaboration.

During this conference I had the opportunity to meet so many different people, some were directors of programs, others were providers and in general a healthcare community gather to discuss the health of our Warriors. I feel to fortunate to work with an organization that strive to improve the health of this elite group of service members. We recognize their value and we know that if cure is not a possibility we will make sure we research how to maximize the service member capacity to perfom with the highest possible quality of life. I am so blessed that not only I work with a group of experts but also with a team that their passion is driven by their humanity, their sensitivity to vital issues in the military and their respect to our service members and family members.

Being a wife of a wounded soldier have changed my perspective of life and career. I could see the pain of those wounded and the frustration of their family members. Now I am one of them. I am at the other side of the coin and now I experience first hand what it is to have your life changed in an instant. Do I regret it? NOT AT ALL. I feel fortunate that as a researcher now I am able to be more sensitive in identifying key issues that need some attention. Do I desire others to be in my shoes, NO, but like I said in one of my previous postings, I think everything happens for a purpose and if I receive a lemon I will certainly make lemonade with it.

Finally, I truly believe in the power of knowledge and I am so happy that there are people working with passion. I particularly met a director of an important program in the militarya nd his stories and accounts of how soldiers are improving were marvelous, but most of all the passion in his eyes, the excitement in his voice, it was just a true reflection of his commitment and explosive passion. I will talk more about his work and what is he doing in a later post, but I will never forget what he said “I chose to do the right thing and I will continue to do what is right”. I understood his words very well and I had the humbling experience to share with him and one things was clear in my mind:



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